07 January 2008

New Year - New Start

Part of the reason I have been so quiet recently isn't just getting old and turning 30, or even the Norovirus I managed to catch in time to blow the bowels out of Christmas. The main reason is that I had my head down before starting a new job.

Today was my first day at Displaylink which is a rapidly expanding display technology company in Cambridge who are good enough to host the ACCU Meetings.

Hopefully I can now get back to a normal blogging service now all of the upheaval should be coming to an end. I had a good seven and a bit years working on the same codebase and hopefully have contributed some decent things to those companies. It was always a shame to say goodbye to NC Graphics when PTC took over, but it also helped me to decide to try something new.

Now I can't see it as a conflict of interest I should do some CAM blogging although it would never be as good as Julian Todd's and I would be approaching it from a higher level perspective.